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[電影] 超無能小鎮 done 2013/10/25

[電影] 異形奇花 done 2013/10/22

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MHL, Mobile High-Definition Link




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The damaging effects of shift work on the body are well known. This study shows the impact on the mind as well.

Three thousand people performed tests of memory and speed of thought. Those with more than ten years of shift work under their belts had the same results as those who didn't do shifts but were six-and-a-half years older.

The good news is that when people in the study stopped shift work their brains didrecover, although it took five years.

The researchers said shift work was a necessary evil in modern society, but more needed to be done to improve the health of those toiling through the night.


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authorities - 當局,政府

mandatory -required by law or rules; compulsory 強制性

 charge - 收費

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To bite someone's head off 的意思是對某人嚴厲斥責、大發脾氣,而且往往是在對方沒有凖備的情況下。
I'm very sorry I lost my temper, I didn't mean to bite your head off.
Don't bite my head off, it wasn't my fault, I was just explaining the situation.

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Jean-Claude Juncker's dismissive assessment of David Cameron's promise to fix EU migration proved the issue will be an uphill battle for the prime minister. Yesterday, the incoming Commission president said rules around the free movement of people could not be changed.
But the Conservative MP Edward Leigh said he thought the EU is desperate to keep Britain in, and there was a very good chance EU migration could be renegotiated. Responding to Mr Juncker's remarks, a Downing Street source said proposals would be brought forward before Christmas and deserved and would get a fair hearing.
At today's summit, EU leaders will try and agree a target of cutting greenhouse gases by 40% by 2030. The prime minister is also expected to raise the issue of EU expenditure.
This week, the European Parliament asked for a budget of 146bn euros next year, 6bn more than EU leaders agreed at an earlier summit. The final deal will be hammered out next month, but the government sources said the MEPs' bid was too high and unrealistic.


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It might be difficult to find anyone who hasn't seen one of these ice bucket challenge videos or pictures. And every day there's a new one with a celebrity in it. Justin Bieber's(小賈斯汀) video got more than one million 'likes'. Former US President George W Bush took part in one and so did actor Tom Cruise, internet billionaires, footballers and my neighbour Sophie. But has it achieved anything?
The challenge's objective was fundraising and bringing awareness to the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Association in the US. The figures say it did. During the month of August, when the campaign was in full swing, ALS received over $98m – a big jump compared to the $2.7m donated during the same period last year.
Other charities have benefitted from it too, including the UK's Water Aid. It seems to have got money from some people who thought the ice bucket challenge was a waste of precious liquid.
But the initiative has its critics. Shannon Murray, a British writer who campaigns for disability rights says: "It's been very celebrity-orientated and it plays into our culture of putting everything about ourselves out there on social media. Some people have obviously done it to raise their profile and that's up to them. Personally it makes me a bit uncomfortable."
Veteran BBC radio presenter John Humphrys isn't happy either. "I have mixed feelings about persuading people to support a charity with stunts," he says. Humphrys believes charity should be about giving because it's a worthwhile cause that we want to help.

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Optical Illusions - 錯覺 幻覺

perceive - become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. 感知

sharp - 分明的

fuzzy - 模糊的

messing -make untidy or dirty. 弄亂

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Can science fiction help us?  

What will the future be like? Good or bad? A lot of science-fiction writing imagines a world which is dark and scary. In Blade Runner, Harrison Ford hunts robots in a chaotic Los Angeles. Planet of the Apes shows a bleak future for humankind. And what about The Hunger Games? Don't get me started.
There's a word to describe the kind of future world which often appears in science fiction: dystopia. It means an imagined place where things are unpleasant or bad. The opposite is utopia. But does tomorrow's world have to be so depressing?
No. A new project wants to use the power of science fiction to inspire people to create a better future. Project Hieroglyph brings together writers, scientists, engineers and artists to create optimistic stories about things which really could happen in the next 50 years.

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